<p> -2- IT Dictionary English-Khmer-English, by Chhor Ran 1 9 Khmer IT for Youwww.khmeritforyou.blogspot.com -t e-book ( { ) t - 2 - tIT (Information Technology) DictionaryEnglish - Khmer - Englisht Ut ]t </p><p> t { 1.0Version 1.0 03/2008 { H U 2</p><p> { ] U 2]</p><p> 2 </p><p> ,2 ]2 !2 </p><p> { (l1.lnrcrmatlcn1echnclcgy) 2]] 2 </p><p> { ] 2 { ] ] ]U { ~2~ 2 </p><p> { </p><p> ] !</p><p> ] </p><p>~ (e~bcck) </p><p>~ ~2 ~ 2 !</p><p> ! ! !.. ] { </p><p> 2]</p><p> -2- IT Dictionary English-Khmer-English, by Chhor Ran 2 9 U</p><p> ] U IA B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 2 U H U ] U U </p><p> MS. WINDOWS LINUX DEBIAN PHOTOSHOP CS3 Nvu DREAMWEAVER CS3 ] ] U ] c$3 { CS3GMAIL (GOOGLE TALK)YAHOO (MESSENGER 9.0)HOTMAIL(LIVE MESSENGER)SKYPE ICQ (</p><p> U) ( ] )U ( ] ) U{XHTML CSS2 PHP SQL -2- IT Dictionary English-Khmer-English, by Chhor Ran 3 9 2-D adj 3-D adj AA new replica DC ] H U Abbreviation n ()Ability n Abort tv Above prep/adv Absolute adj Absolute Link n , Absolute Path n </p><p>Absolute URL n URL Absolute Value n Abstract adj Abstract n Abuse n , Abuse tv Accelerator Board n Accelerator Card n , Accelerator Key n , ( ] Shortcut Key)Accent n , Accent tv Accept tv Access tv 9Access Privileges n 9Access Rights n 9Access Speed n ] 9Access Time n 9Access to the internet 9 Accessibility n 9Accessible adj 9Accessory n ]Account n Acquaintance n ] Across P Action n , Activate tv -2- IT Dictionary English-Khmer-English, by Chhor Ran 4 9 Active adj Active Cell n Active Window n </p><p> Activity n Activity Indicator n AD (Active Directory) Adapt tv , HAdaptive adj , HAdaptor n , HAdd tv Add-In n </p><p> U ()</p><p> Add-On n </p><p> U () 2Address n Address Book n Addressee n Addressing n ()Adjacent adj Adjust tv Administration n ()Administrator n , Advance iv 92Advanced adj ], , 2Advisor n Affect tv Agenda n 2, UAgent n Aggregate Function </p><p>Aging n Agree tv , Agreement n (), Alert tv , Alert n , Alert Box n , Algorithm n ]</p><p>, Alias n , Aliasing n HHAlign tv All time n -2- IT Dictionary English-Khmer-English, by Chhor Ran 5 9 Allocate (Memory) tv ( )Allocation Memory n Allow tv Alphabetical adj ]Alphanumeric adj ]2Alter tv </p><p>Alternate v Alternative Display Alternative Text Ambient adj Analog n Analog data n , Analysis n ()Analyst n Analyze tv Anchor n Anchor tv Angle n Angle Bracket n Angled Line Animation n Annotation n ]Announce tv , Announcement n , Annoy tv Annoying adj Anonymous adj Antenna n Anti-Aliasing n HHAnti-Glare Screen n Anti-Virus Program n Anyway , API(Application Programmer's Interface) 2 Appear iv Appearance n Append tv !Applet n Application n () -2- IT Dictionary English-Khmer-English, by Chhor Ran 6 9 Application Programmer , Application software Apply tv , Apply for : ]Approach n Appropriate Approval n Approve v Approximate adj , 2 , Arc n </p><p>Archive n Archive tv Area n , Argument n Arrange tv , , Array n Arrow n Arrow Down Arrow Left HArrow Right Arrow Up Arrowend n Arrowhead n {Article n , Ascending (Order) adj Ask tv Ask Every Time Aspect Ratio n Assembling n </p><p> ()Assign tv , Assign (Value) tv , Assignment (Home Work) n ()Assignment (Value) n , Assistive adj Associate tv , , Associated adj , Association n Assume tv Asterisk n -2- IT Dictionary English-Khmer-English, by Chhor Ran 7 9 Asynchronous adj Attach tv Attached adj Attachment n Attachment n Attempt tv Attention n Attractive adj Attribute n Audio adj , Audio Input n Audio Output n Authentic adj {Authenticate tv { , , Authentication n { , , Author n Authorization n , Authorized adj Auto pref Auto Completion n Auto Configuration n Auto Detection n Auto Filter n Auto Fit To ]</p><p> , Auto-Load tv </p><p>AutoAbstract n AutoAnswer n AutoCorrect n AutoFormat n AutoIncrement n AutoMail n , 2Automated Office n , Automatic adj Automation n Autopilot n Wizard, Autorun n , , Autosave n -2- IT Dictionary English-Khmer-English, by Chhor Ran 8 9 Autoscroll n Autotext n Availability n , Available adj , 2</p><p>, Available for chat 2</p><p>Avatar n UAverage adj/n ]Axis n ]BBack iv U, Back Door n Back End n Backbone n H 2Background n , Background Application n Background Task n Backlog n !Backup tv Backup n Backward adv 9 Bad adj , 2, Bad Area n , 2Bad Disk n , 2Bad Sector n , 2Balance tv ]Balance n ]Bandwidth (Digital Device) n </p><p> Bandwidth (Radio) n Banner n Banshee n Bar n Bar Chart n Bar Code n ] , Base n Base 10 n Base 16 n Base 2 n -2- IT Dictionary English-Khmer-English, by Chhor Ran 9 9 Base 8 n Base Line Batch File n BCC (Blind Carbon Copy) n Beamer n Beauty n Begin tv Begin of Word ]Behavior n UBehind prep/adv Below prep/adv Beverage Bi-dimension Bibliography n , Binary Number n Binary System n Bind tv Bit n </p><p>, {Bitmap n </p><p> -.bmpBlank adj ( )Blank Document n Blank Page n Blend n {Blend(tv) tv Blink n Block tv 2Block n </p><p>Blockquote n </p><p> , Blog n Bloggers n Blogroll n Bluetooth n Blur tv Blur iv , {Board n , Body n Bold adj Book Excerpt n -2- IT Dictionary English-Khmer-English, by Chhor Ran 10 9 Bookmark v/n Boolean n Boot tv Border n Border and Shading n Bottom n bouncing Bound n BoundaryBoundary n Box n Brace n ({ })Bracket n ([])Brand n , UBreak n ] , Break tv ]Breakpoint n , Brief adj Brief n Brightness n , Bring Forward 92Bring to Front 2Broadband n Broadband Network n Broadcast tv ]</p><p>Brochure n Broken adj 2, Broken redirects page </p><p> Browse iv , Browser n , Brush n Buddy list Buffer n Bug n , Build tv Build ID n 2 , Built-In adj , , </p><p>, !</p><p>Bulk adj Bullet n ( ) -2- IT Dictionary English-Khmer-English, by Chhor Ran 11 9 Bulletin n Bullets and Numbering n 2 Burn tv Bus n 2]</p><p> Business Card n Button n (), Byte n , </p><p>CCable Television ]2]Cache n (</p><p> )Calculation n , 2Calculator n 2Call tv Callback tv Callout n Calves n Cancel tv Capability n Capital Letter n ]Capitalize tv ]Caption n Card n Career n Carrier n </p><p> , </p><p> Cascade n {Case n Case Sensitive ], Case/Character (OOP) </p><p>]Cast Shadow Catalog n Category n CC (Carbon Copy) n Cell n Cell Pointer n Cell Reference n Center n Centimeter (Centimetre) n U , -2- IT Dictionary English-Khmer-English, by Chhor Ran 12 9 Central Processing Unit (CPU) n , ]Centralized Network n </p><p> , ]Centralized Processing n ], </p><p>centrist Certificate n Certify tv Chairperson n , Challenge n ()Change Case (Ms. Office) </p><p>], </p><p>Channel (TV) n Character n ], Character Set n ], ]Characters n ]Charcoal Sketch ]</p><p>Charset n Character SetChart n Chart Area n Chat iv Chat Room n Check tv H, H, U , HCheckbox n H, UCheckerboard n Checksum n HChip n , Chipset n , Choice n Choose tv Chroma n Chrome n Cipher iv Circle iv , Circuit , 2] Circular Reference 92</p><p>Class n Classification n Clear tv , Click tv Client n , , U -2- IT Dictionary English-Khmer-English, by Chhor Ran 13 9 Client Side , Client/Server Network U / Climate n Clip Art n Clipboard n , ]Clockwise n Cloggers (Cambodian blogger) n 2 2 , 2Clone tv , , Close tv Code n ]coefficient n Collapse tv Collate tv Collect tv Collection n ()Color n Color Depth n HColor Palette n Color Scheme n Color Tolerance n Column n Column Break n Column Heading n {Columnar n , Combination n ] , Combine tv ]Combo Box (Combination Box) n ]Command n ]Command tv Command Line n Comment n Commit tv , Common adj 9, Communication n , , H HCompact adj Compact tv Compare tv Compatibility n H -2- IT Dictionary English-Khmer-English, by Chhor Ran 14 9 Compatible adj HCompile tv Complementary Close n Completed adj Complex Text Layout n </p><p> Component n , ]Compose tv Composer n Composition n Compress tv Compression n ( ), Compute tv Computer n 2]</p><p> , Concatenate tv Concatenation n ()Concave adj Concept n Concepts n ]Concordance n Concordant File n Condense tv , Condensed adj Condensed Spacing n Condition n 2Confidential adj U , Confidentiality n U , , Configuration n ()Configure tv Confirm tv , Confirmation n ()Conflict n , HCongratulations n Connect tv , Connection n , Connection Pools n Connector n Consecutive Numbering n 2 Consent iv -2- IT Dictionary English-Khmer-English, by Chhor Ran 15 9 Consider , Console n Consolidate tv Constant adj UConstraint n Constraint Proportion Consumer , Contact tv Contain tv Container n </p><p>Contemporary Content n 2 , Content adj Context n Continue tv Continue Search Backward UContinue Search Forward 92Contour n Contract tv Contract n {Contrast n ( ), ( )Contribute n Contribution n ()Contributor n Control n ] ()Control tr ]Control Center n ]Control Panel n ]Controller n ]Convene v Convention n Converge tv Conversion n ()Convert tv Converter n Cookies n 2UCool (Smiley) adj Copy n { -2- IT Dictionary English-Khmer-English, by Chhor Ran 16 9 Copy tv Copyright tv {, , Copyright Year n {, Corner n Corner Radius Corner to Frame 9 Correct adj Correct tv Correspondence n H H ()Correspondent n HHCorrupted File n 2Count n Count tv Counter n Counter Variable n UCounterfeit n Counterfeit tv Cover n Crash n ()Crash tv Create tv credential Credential n 2 Credit Credit Card n Criteria n Critical adj Crop tv Crop Tool n Cross-reference n HCryptography n CSS (Cascade Style Sheets) U{Curly Bracket n ({})Currency n Current adj </p><p>]Current Cell n </p><p>]Current Page n </p><p>]Current Window n </p><p>] -2- IT Dictionary English-Khmer-English, by Chhor Ran 17 9 Cursor n ]Cursor n </p><p>Curve n 2]Custom adj 2</p><p>, , Customer n U Customization n </p><p> Customize tv </p><p>, </p><p>, Cut tv Cyberspace n , DDaemon n (] Disk And Execution MONitor)Damaged adj 2Dangerous adj Dash n Dash Line n Dashboard n Data n Data Capture n Data Source n Data Type n Database n Database Management n ()DataPilot n Date n , U2 Date Stamp n Deactivate tv Dead-end pages Debug tv Decimal Precision n 2 Decimal Separator n ]Declaration , (U)Declaration block Declare tv Decode tv ], ]Decoder n ], ]Decompress tv Decorate tv -2- IT Dictionary English-Khmer-English, by Chhor Ran 18 9 Decrease tv Decrypt tv Default n Defective adj Define tv Definition n Defragmentation n Degree n , Deinstall tv Delay n { ()Delay tv {Delayed adj Delete tv Delimit tv Delimiter n Deliver tv </p><p> 9Demilitarized Zone Demo (Demonstration) n ()Demographics Demote tv Denied adj Denominator n Denote tv Deny tv Department n Dependence n ]Desactivate v Descending (Order) adj ( )Describe Description n ()Deselect tv Design n ()Design tv Designation n ()Designer n Desktop n Desktop Computer n 2]</p><p> Destination n D -2- IT Dictionary English-Khmer-English, by Chhor Ran 19 9 Detach tv Detail n Details Detect and Repair Detective n Developer n ]Development Cycle n 2]Device n , Diacritic, Diacritical Mark n Diagonal Line n Diagram n {Dial tv ( )Dial In tv Dial-Up Access n Dialect n Dialer n Dialog Box n Dictation Software n Difference 2Different 2Digit n 2Digital adj UDigital Data n , UDigital Signature n UDim adj Dimension n Dimensions n , Direct Access n 9 Direction n Directory n UDirectory Server n UDisable tv Disabled adj Disc n Discard tv , Disclaim tv Disclaimer n Disconnect tv -2- IT Dictionary English-Khmer-English, by Chhor Ran 20 9 Discontinue tv ]Discussion n Disk n Disk Drive n Disk Space n Diskette n , (Floppy disk)Dispatch tv </p><p> Display n ()Display tv Dissertation n {, {Dissolve tv Distance n Distinct adj 2Distort tv Distribute tv Distribute Columns Evenly Distribute Rows Evenly Distribution n Distributor n Dithering tv Dividend n Division Sign n Divisor n Dock tv , 2Document n Document Begin Documentation n Domain n Domain Controller ] Domestic adj </p><p>Done adj Dossier n , Dot n Dot Matrix Printer n </p><p>Dotted tv Double adj Double Click Double Line -2- IT Dictionary English-Khmer-English, by Chhor Ran 21 9 Double Size Double Strikethrough HDouble Underline Double-sided adj Down Time 2Downgrade tv Download tv Downward adj/adv Draft n , Drag tv , Drastic Drawing Toolbar n Drive n Driver n Drop tv , Drop Cap ]2Drop Down Menu Drop Out tv Dumb Terminal n Dummy adj , Duplex adj Duplicate n {() Duplicate tv </p><p>Duration n UDVD (Digital Video Disk) n Dynamic adj EE-Book (Electronic Book) n , </p><p> E-Commerce (Electronic Commerce) n </p><p> E-Mail (Email) n </p><p>E-Mail Address n </p><p>E-Mail Client n </p><p>E-Mail Server n </p><p>ebook (electronic book) n </p><p>~ , ecommerce (electronic commerce) n </p><p> Edge n Edit tv -2- IT Dictionary English-Khmer-English, by Chhor Ran 22 9 Edit n Edition n Editor n , Editor rich editor Effect n , egovernance (electronic governance) n</p><p> ( , 2H , , , , .. ) Eject (Disk) tv Elapse iv 9Elapsed adj 9Electronic Mail n , </p><p>Element n email (electronic mail) n </p><p> , </p><p> Embarrassed (Smiley) adj Embed tv Embedded adj Emboss n Emboss(tv) tv Embossed adj Emerge tv Emoticon n Emphasis n ( )Empty tv Empty adj ( </p><p> )Emulate tv Emulator n </p><p>Enable tv , Enabled adj Encapsulate tv Enclosing character ] Enclosure n Encode tv </p><p>, ]Encoder n </p><p>, ]Encounter tv Encrypt tv ] , ] , End End User n -2- IT Dictiona..</p>


  • អថេរ
  • ដែលខុសគ្នា
  • ដែលទីទៃពីគ្នា
  • អ្វីៗដែលអាចផ្លាស់ប្ដូរបាន

English Khmer Bi-directional Dictionary. You can use this dictionary as learning tool. Browse words like a real dictionary, search in English and Khmer, Words by category, GRE. Also Lots of details like word definition, example, Synonyms, Pronounce. Also have vocabulary list to grow your vocabulary bank. Napco quickloader for windows download.

(biology) tending to deviate from a normal or recognized type
(mathematics) a quantity that may assume any one of a set of values
(programming) a named memory location in which a program can store intermediate results and from which it can read them
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  3. Mar 21, 2017  English Khmer Bi-directional Dictionary. You can use this dictionary as learning tool. Browse words like a real dictionary, search in English and Khmer, Words by category, GRE. Also Lots of details like word definition, example, Synonyms, Pronounce. Also have vocabulary list to grow your vocabulary bank.
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Able to vary.
Marked by diversity or difference.
Tending to deviate from a normal or recognized type.
Something whose value may be dictated or discovered.
A quantity that may assume any one of a set of values.
A named memory location in which a program can store intermediate results and from which it can read them.
A shifting wind, or one that varies in force.

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Those parts of the sea where a steady wind is not expected, especially the parts between the trade-wind belts.
A named storage location capable of containing data that can be modified during program execution.
A symbolic representation used to denote a quantity or expression.
variable (computer programming, programing)
likely to vary
mathematics: having no fixed quantitative value
biology: tending to deviate from a normal or recognized type
something whose value may be dictated or discovered
mathematics: a quantity that may assume any one of a set of values

Free English Khmer Dictionary Download

computing: a named mutable piece of storage
liable to or capable of change; 'rainfall in the tropics is notoriously variable'; 'variable winds'; 'variable expenses'
marked by diversity or difference; 'the varying angles of roof slope'; 'nature is infinitely variable'
(used of a device) designed so that a property (as e.g. light) can be varied; 'a variable capacitor'; 'variable filters in front of the mercury xenon lights'
a star that varies noticeably in brightness
a symbol (like x or y) that is used in mathematical or logical expressions to represent a variable quantity
something that is likely to vary; something that is subject to variation; 'the weather is one variable to be considered'
Show declension of variableAutomatic translation:

Similar phrases in dictionary English Khmer. (8)

declare (variable)
ប្រកាស (អថេរ)
independent variable
ភាពនៅព្យយសព្ទ ភាពនៅព្យយសព្ទ
ដែលខុសគ្នា, ដែលទីទៃពីគ្នា
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